September 24, 2020 

RE: Covid procedures

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please note the following changes to our procedures for students who are COVID-19 positive and for 
those who have been identified as close contact exposed:

1.        If a student/employee is confirmed lab positive they will remain off campus for 10 days 
from the date of the beginning of symptoms. Symptoms must be remarkably improved and the person 
must be fever free, without fever reducing medicine for 24 hours prior to return. If the 
student/employee is confirmed lab positive and DOES NOT have symptoms they will remain off campus 
for 10 days from the date of the test results. In either case they must contact the nurse on day 10 
to be readmitted to campus on day 11.
2.        If a student tests positive and is an athlete they must have a doctor's release that 
specifies the athlete may return to practice/play.
3.        If a student/employee has symptoms and chooses not to get tested they must remain off 
campus for 14 days.
4.        Close contact is defined as being within 6 ft of a lab confirmed positive person. It is 
also defined as being within 6 ft of a person with presumptive COVID, meaning they have symptoms 
but have not tested or they are waiting for test results. Exposure happens 2 days prior to the 
onset of symptoms or 2 days prior to the date of the positive test result if the person does not 
have symptoms. In order to not be defined as close contact both parties must be wearing a mask.
5.        If a student/employee is identified as being in close contact with a person who is lab 
confirmed/ presumed positive, that student/employee must remain off campus for a minimum of 7 days. 
The student/ employee may get tested on day 8 and return to school with a negative test result. If 
the student/employee chooses not to get tested they must remain off campus for 14 days.
6.        For a student/employee that lives in the home with a person who is COVID positive, they 
must remain off campus for 14 days. If alternative living arrangements can be made for
the family member to be separated from the student/employee who is positive then the 
student/employee must remain off campus for a minimum of7 days, may test on day 8, if COVID results 
are negative, then the student/employee may return to school. They may return home once the 
positive student/employee is cleared to return to school.
If you have any questions please contact me at (936) 362-2132 ext 108. Thank You,

Chasity Butler, RN

Chireno ISD School Nurse